Advantages for learners and higher education institutions
- Enhanced understanding of social care
- Broader experience across different care sectors and settings
- More placements available
- Understanding of prevention
- Experience of person-centred holistic care and continuity of care
- Multi professional opportunities which helps understanding of different and integrated roles in the delivery of care
- Experience autonomy and developing a treatment plan
- Focus on relationships and communication skills
Examples and comments
"Working in social care gives you greater autonomy as a professional and more opportunity to focus on relationships and communication."

Caroline Pressick
Registered Manager, St Georges (Wigan) Ltd. Care home with nursing
"It was nice to have that autonomy and just being able to go and see the residents throughout the day and put together our own treatment plan….so yes, I definitely enjoyed it a lot more than I initially thought I was going to do."

Interprofessional education (IPE) pilot
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